"Try not to become a woman of success but a woman of value" Albert Einstein

Women, regardless of age and social stature, were considered "figures of sacrifice", because while it's true that they really sacrifice for their family, there is always the hidden agenda of exploitation and subjugation by the opposite sex.
She was always expected to blindly follow societal "norms", forget herself as a human being and think of others, men especially, before anything else. Even at times when she goes through physical, emotional, mental and financial violence, the hapless woman would always be advised to persevere, be patient and sacrifice.

Yet their glorious days have come for after long years of suffering in silence, women from all corners of the world have gained enough strength to stand up for themselves and enjoy freedom as men do. And just as a volcano dormant for centuries activated, women became a powerful force to contend.
Gradually, the stigma of womanhood was erased and being a woman has ceased to be a handicap. However, the battle of the sexes linger to date, still, more men refuse to recognize the value of women, they still refuse to give them honor and respect, they continue to treat them as inferior species. The male populace would always cling to their ego, and shun the idea of equality. This would explain why violence against women in all forms persist.

I personally saw this hope in the eyes of the women who joined us during the conference on Women Empowerment early this week, a kick off celebration of Women's Month, which is March. There is so much hope and there is more than enough passion to realize these hopes.
In every woman's heart now is the passion to rise from the bondage of weakness, of violence, terror and inequity - to become true human beings of value and essence.
so true!