As I was walking up the stage with poise, tears slowly fell on my cheeks and they flowed unabated as the principal reached out her hand to congratulate me. It was indeed a very emotional scene- it should be, because it was my daughter's graduation from grade school. The emotions became even more intense as I was handed my daughter's three awards - Third Honors, Best in English and Best in Science.
I know parents really celebrate during their kids' graduations, but mine was more than a double celebration. Why? For one, of course is that my daughter has successfully hurdled grade school and with flying colors at that. It was also a fulfillment on my part as a parent who single handedly carried the responsibility of raising and sending her to school. I weathered the storms, so to speak yet I know there are more storms ahead as we continue to tread the path of life. Likewise, it is a time to give thanks to our Creator and to all my other kids who have given me strength.
High school brings back extraordinary memories for each of us. Looking back, I remember those years with nostalgic fondness - my crushes, my friends, my teachers. But if there is something that really makes my high school days special and unforgettable is the thought that I met "my one true love" during those fragile years, and my love for this person never waned until today.
Certain high school experiences may have life-long consequences. Many of the choices students make in high school will lead them into adult habits - so I know, my daughter needs my guidance now, more than ever.
To all the other graduates and parents...congratulations and Good Luck!!!
Good Job!