Here's a forewarning to husbands: Cheating wives are on the rise!
Studies show that there is a surge in female infidelity, even among married women. The statistics may not really be as alarming but still, the fact that between 35% and 40% of all wives cheat on husbands while the statistics for men are between 40% and 50%, merits a second thought especially to husbands.
The top reason is the lack of attention, because women typically love attention. When women feel they are being neglected by their husbands, they tend to look somewhere else for someone who would give them this much needed care and importance.
Quality time takes the second rank. A husband may be at home most of the time but sits for hours infront of his laptop or stares more on the TV screen than on his wife, then the trouble starts. The wife needs pampering once in a while.
Finances is another top reason. A growing family would mean growing expenses...bills, mortgage, school expenses, groceries...and she is left with hardly nothing to splurge on shopping, a new car and other women luxuries. So if she meets a man who would offer her a shopping spree most of the time, she may be inclined to cheat.
Lack of confidence takes the next seat. Oftentimes, as the number of married years increases, couples become so comfortable with each other they forget the importance of affection. Eventually, a wife may begin to feel a lack of self-confidence. When a woman gets into this kind of rut, she no longer feels beautiful and sexy, as she once did. If she meets another man who would give her this attention, she will suddenly forget that she is married.
Lack of intimacy is another top reason. Many believe that men are more sexual than women. On the contrary, there are some women who are more sexual than their husbands. So if the marriage becomes stale and stagnant and the bedroom becomes as boring as watching a lousy movie, some women search for physical satisfaction outside their abode.
A cheating husband would give a hundred and one reason for his escapade, so does a cheating wife. The question here is not whether to tolerate them or not...the bottom line is to know why these women cheat. And for husbands out there...be forewarned - who says only husbands cheat?
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