I never realized the agony until I was personally caught into this "quagmire" - of falling in love with someone at the other side of the globe. Stories of long distance love affairs flood the literary pages of books and sites in the internet but these just passed my eyes - well I find them "not interesting".
Not even in my wildest nightmare did I see myself loving a person intangible, because my orientation of love is the "nearness" of the other person. I used to scowl at people who find contentment and happiness in long distance affairs. "That's impossible and even crazy", so I thought.
Now I have to swallow all my comments and beliefs - I am now where they are. I did not plan this, it was not intentional, it just happened! I am now in no position to argue its possibility because it certainly is.
I recognize now that it's hard, it hurts and it strains, yet, at the same time, it thrills, it challenges and it excites. The feeling is incomparable to a relationship based on physical proximity but surprisingly, it grows like any "normal" relationship.
Despite the difficulty of the situation, despite the challenge of how to keep it going, it is still fruitful and fulfilling. "How do I manage to keep the bond?", you may ask.
Everyday, I think of ways to make him happy and make him "feel" me in my absence. We "fight", we argue, we cry, we get jealous and we share sweet nothings like normal couples do - these add perks.
I make it a point to send him messages every now and then and I keep the communication lines open most of the time, in case, he finds time to get in touch.
It is tough and sometimes frustrating but true love makes everything bearable until we are finally able to be together (unless I am the only one loving, I hope I'm not) Although there is no sure formula to keep the love stay, to maintain the flame - just keep on loving and set aside the element of space.
To borrow a line from Helen Keller " The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
How an you love somebody you do not see or feel? It's just like loving God, your love is built on trust.