(picture taken 7 days go)
I had dinner last night with two friends I have not seen for years. It was a wacky get-together - a seeming re-enactment of our younger days. There was of course the usual exchange of what have beens and what's going on in each one's life.
But what struck me most is their comment - that I look great, more than before! I was flattered, I admit, but beyond the personal gratification, there was a more imminent desire for me to share my "anti-aging secret".
"You seem to have gone over your agonies and problems, friend!", remarked one.
"On the contrary, my problems doubled," I answered with all sincerity. "So what's the secret behind your unusual glow?", both mused.
My load is heavier now, however, I do not carry these myself. I have given the Lord the chance to solve my problems for me. And everything else was in order - I am now at peace with myself and the world!
That was my simple, effortless reply, but surely touched their hearts.
Many times, because we consider ourselves intelligent, strong, materially stable and mature, we think we can manage, direct our lives to success. We make decisions on our own, solve problems on our own and plan on our own. In countless instances, however, we regret what we have done and ponder where and what went wrong.
We bend on our knees in prayer only when the waters are too deep or the mountains to high to climb, and during moments of calmness, hardly do we remember Him.
The Lord is not a precious jewel that we keep in a vault and use only on special occasions, He is neither money we deposit in a bank and withdraw in times of financial crisis - He is more than that!
He can do more than what our minds can conceive!
So why don't we give Him the chance to solve our problems?
Why don't we give Him the chance to rule our lives?
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