I had the rare chance to take a break during the holy week from my daily stressful life. It was a time which temporarily ended the "rat race" in our office....a time to reflect... to stop talking and start listening to my heart. During this fleeting moment, I learned one great lesson I have always wanted to - not to rush!
After more than four decades in this world, I have always been on the rush... I do not even understand the real meaning of the word "still". So I really am very thankful for the holy week experience...now I do appreciate "pace".

In the past, I used to question God why He does not give me immediate answers to my prayers. Since I was a child, every time I pray and ask for favors from my Creator, I always wanted an immediate answer and when the answers do not come in time, I disregard my request and feel discouraged...even to the point of losing my hopes. This may be one of the major factors why I had so many failures in life - because I refused to wait, because the only important thing to me then was "RUSH".

But after my meditation at the prayer mountain, I realized that waiting for the answer to our prayers is sometimes the answer itself. The waiting develops the virtue of patience in us and deepens our spirituality. I realized that waiting is like carrying one's cross patiently with the hope of a new life... of "resurrection".
There is really no need to rush in this life because haste would do us more harm than good. And everything in this world has been planned by our Creator before we even saw the light of the world. This is made clear to us in Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven."

Now I know that there is no reason for me to complain, all I need to do is wait patiently and never rush things. It is not easy as it seems...waiting entails a lot of sacrifice and self-restraint...but the prize will definitely be priceless!